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  • CHIPA providers are contracted by health plans and your benefit will only cover providers listed under your specific health plan.
  • Inclusion on this list does not imply either a recommendation or preference by CHIPA.
  • Services offered may vary according to provider’s license.
  • CHIPA will attempt to ensure the accuracy of the Provider Directories. However, a provider will occasionally become unavailable due to the lack of capacity or termination of contract.
  • Provider Directories are updated monthly.

Click below and choose your plan to search for a provider.

Find a Provider

CHIPA makes every reasonable effort to validate that this list of providers is accurate and up-to-date, but the provider list is subject to change and does not reflect future changes. We strongly encourage you to call your provider before scheduling an appointment to verify in-network status. You can also call our customer service team at 800.779.3825.