EDI Claims Details
You may choose to submit your claim electronically through Office Ally, which serves as the initial clearinghouse for electronic claims from providers. Office Ally offers their services at no cost to CHIPA providers. Our providers may submit claims through Office Ally through an interface using the designated code.
Use payer ID “CHIPA” for Aetna, MHN, Anthem and UBH.
Use payer ID “43324” for LA Care, CareMore, Care1st, Alameda Alliance, Orange County Mental Health Plan, Anthem Santa Clara (CalMediConnect), Gold Coast Health Plan, Partnership Health Plan, Central California Alliance for Health, San Francisco Health Plan, and Health Plan of San Joaquin.
Providers can submit single or multiple claims through Office Ally.
Office Ally screens all electronic claims and notifies providers if there is any key information (e.g., diagnosis, CPT, Tax ID, etc.) missing from the claim that precludes the claims form being forwarded to CHIPA for processing.
Office Ally forwards all clean claims to CHIPA via an electronic claims file.
Remember that claims submitted using Office Ally are generally processed more quickly than paper claims.